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Learn Instant Methods to Recover Dropped Table in SQL Server

Shubham Dixit   
Published: Jun 28, 2023 • Recovery , Restore • 5 Minutes Reading

In the world of data management, SQL Server is one of the most popular database management systems used to store and manage data. However, accidents happen, and sometimes you may accidentally drop a table in SQL Server. When this happens, you might think that all your data is lost forever but don’t panic. In this article, we will discuss how to recover dropped table in SQL server.

What Happens When the SQL Table is Dropped?

Firstly, it’s important to understand what happens when a table is dropped. When a table is dropped, it’s not immediately deleted from the SQL Server database. Instead, the table and all its data are moved to a special system table called the Recycle Bin.

The Recycle Bin is a safety mechanism that allows you to recover a dropped table if needed. However, the Recycle Bin is only available in SQL Server 2008 and later versions.

How a User Can Recover Dropped Table in SQL Server?

To restore dropped table in SQL server, you need to follow a few simple steps:

Step 1: Check if the Table is in the Recycle Bin

To check if the dropped table is in the Recycle Bin, you can use the following query:

–> SELECT * FROM sys.tables WHERE is_deleted = 1

This query will return a list of all tables that have been dropped and are currently in the Recycle Bin. If you can find the dropped table in the results, then you can proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Recover the Dropped Table

To recover dropped table in SQL server, you need to use the following command:


Replace Table_Name with the name of the dropped table that you want to recover. This command will restore the dropped table from the Recycle Bin back to the original location in the database.

Step 3: Verify the Table Has Been Recovered

To verify that the table has been recovered successfully, you can use the following query:

–> SELECT * FROM [Table_Name]

This query will return all the data from the recovered table. If you can see the data, then congratulations! You have successfully recovered the dropped table.

In some cases, you may not be able to recover dropped table in SQL server using the Recycle Bin. For example, if the table was dropped using the DROP TABLE command with the PERMANENT option, or if the Recycle Bin has been disabled, then you may not be able to recover the table using the above method.

In such cases, your only option may be to restore the database from a backup. It’s always recommended to regularly back up your databases to avoid data loss in case of accidents like this.

Quick & Simple Solution to Recover Dropped Table in SQL Server

If you don’t have a healthy backup and the above method doesn’t work well for you. Then the SQL Database Recovery Tool can help to restore dropped table in SQL server. The software recovers deleted data without data loss, including views, triggers, functions, and rules.

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With a few clicks, you can restore the database and easily recognize deleted items in red. This tool also works for damaged or corrupt SQL database files and has a user-friendly interface suitable for all users. In summary, it’s the ideal choice for recovering dropped tables in SQL Server.

1. Launch the utility and select the Open option for loading the MDF file to restore dropped table in SQL server.

recover dropped table in SQL server

2. Press the Advanced scanning mode and tick mark the Recover Deleted Objects box once selecting the SQL Server MDF file version.

choosing Scan Options

3. The erased or removed data will be highlighted in Red after the scanning process.

recover deleted records in SQL Server

4. Select one Export To/As option and then complete all the export information as necessary. In order to recover a dropped table from SQL Server, finally click the Export option.

Recover Deleted Data from SQL Table

5. Choose the Destination Database option. Export Data to an Existing Database from a New Database.

Export Data to New Database

6. In SQL Server, after selecting to export the database with just the schema or with the schema plus data, click the Export option to recover dropped table in SQL server.

recover dropped table in SQL server

Also Read: Quick Tips to Repair Corrupted Master Database in SQL Server?


Dropping a table in SQL Server can be a scary experience, but it’s important to stay calm and follow the steps outlined in this article. By checking the Recycle Bin and using the RESTORE command, you can often recover dropped table in SQL server without having too much trouble.

However, it’s always a good idea to have a backup plan in case the Recycle Bin is not available, or the table cannot be recovered. Here we have explained simple methods(manual and automated) which can be helpful to restore dropped table in SQL server .