How to Convert Kerio FDB to PST File?

You are using Kerio as your email client and you want to convert Kerio FDB to PST format. If so, you’ve come to the right place. Here, we will show you how to end the most searched query on the Internet using manual and specialized methods.
Many customers are converting their data from Kerio to PST due to the extensive functionality of Outlook. PST files are compatible with the Microsoft Outlook email clients as we all know. Due to its extensive capabilities and continuous improvements in sending tactics, Microsoft Outlook is a widely used program all over the world. It gives you a variety of alternatives to maintain your data easily. Its interface is very easy to use, allowing users to manage and preserve their data efficiently.
User’s Worry About this Enquiry
“I have a bunch of Kerio emails saved locally. However, due to its features and utility, I would like to convert Kerio FDB to PST. The problem I am facing is that it does not accept the Kerio file format, so I will have to convert Kerio FDB file to PST. However, I am not familiar with how to manually convert Kerio FDB file to PST. Can anyone advise me on the best road route?”
How to Convert Kerio FDB to PST Manually?
There is no direct way to Migrate Kerio to Outlook. Use the Kerio connector, which is the most common way to convert Kerio to PST. You need to install the Kerio Connect plugin before you can sync Kerio with Microsoft Outlook, so do that first.
Kerio Connect mail, events, contacts and tasks can be managed in Outlook using Kerio Connector (Offline Version). When you reconnect to Kerio Connect, Offline Edition syncs all changes.
Also Read: How to Convert Kerio Server to PDF?
Install Kerio Connector on Computer
- To get started, go to the Kerio Connect product page
- Select the Windows Integration option
- Then, in the upper right corner, click on the User Profile
- Select the Windows Integration option
- After you’ve completed these steps, you can get the Kerio Connector.
Sync Convert Kerio FDB to PST File
We will guide you through the steps to sync Kerio FDB in this section. Keep reading this article to learn how to link your Kerio account:
- Start MS Outlook once again
- Select the File tab
- Then select Info >> Add Account from the drop-down menu
- You can proceed by selecting “Manual Setup or an extra server type” and clicking the “Next” button
- The following box will open, allowing you to select the Alternate Choice >> Kerio Connect (KOC Offline Edition).
Instead, it will ask you for credentials. After typing it, select the Connect option. It will start the synchronization procedure to finish all these processes carefully.
As a result, all Kerio data will be visible in Outlook. Then convert all Outlook data to PST file.
Also Read: How to Export Kerio Contacts to CSV?
Save Data into PST File
- After you’ve opened Outlook, go to the File tab and select Open & Export
- Then select Import/Export from the drop-down menu
- Select the “Export to a file” option on the following screen
- Hit the Next tab after selecting the Outlook data file (.pst) option
- Select the Folder, then the Location, and finally the Finish tab.
You will have the PST file on your local computer after you have completed all these procedures. Now you can simply save Outlook emails including all attachments.
During Manual Method, User is Confronted with Obstacles
- Although the Kerio Connector is a free service, it is also available for a fee.
- There is a 30-day trial version available, but after that you must purchase a licence key.
- Kerio Connects Pro edition is too pricey.
- You will receive a PST file after completing numerous procedures.
- It’s a laborious and time-consuming procedure.
- Technicalities are required to carry out all of these processes.
- If you skip any steps, there’s a good chance you’ll lose data, have it corrupted, and so on.
Convert Kerio FDB to PST in the Most Professional Way
We conclude that the free manual method is very difficult and time consuming after completing all the manual steps. BitResQ is the most reliable option for instant conversion of Kerio FDB files to PST.
You can convert infinite number of Kerio FDB files to PST format without using any email client. Kerio Converter allows you to convert data from multiple users at once, including all attachments.
This application has a simple and easy-to-use interface. By using the free trial version, you may have a better understanding of how the product works. However, the trial version has limitations. Buy the pro version to remove all restrictions.